Workout Plan: May 14-20

Summer is approaching quickly! Those of us with kids may find that May is an incredibly busy month with end of year performances, concerts, school programs, field days, school projects, class parties, and more.
It can feel overwhelming, especially as we gear up for having the kids home all day long during the summer!
Despite the busy-ness, take some time for YOU! That doesn't mean be selfish and neglect everyone and everything else, but it does mean that you should give yourself some time every day for a little loving movement, whether that's a walk, a jog, a bike ride, or a gym workout/class. Make it a point to MOVE every single day.
Strive for at least 20 minutes a day. You owe it to yourself, your family, your boss, and everyone with whom you interact.
Here's what we are doing this week in the Guinea Pig Gym, so feel free to follow along! Make sure to follow along on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @6packguineapigs to see what we're up to! I often make a few tweaks to the workouts to change them up a bit to keep them fresh and interesting!
I hope you have a wonderful week! Keep moving and stay positive!
Monday: Lower Body #6
Tuesday: Tabata #8
Wednesday: Upper Body Sculpt #7
Thursday: Sevens #7
Friday: Full Body Burnout #1
Saturday: 30+ minutes activity of choice (outside if possible) OR this 20-Minute AMRAP Workout
Sunday: REST DAY! Walk, stretch or try this Restorative Yoga Flow