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Tabata Workout #8

















It's another Tabata Tuesday!


I love Tabatas because they are short and intense.  You can do a set in 4 minutes flat!  So, if you are short on time, do a set.  Who doesn't have 4 measly minutes to spare?!  I know you do!  Tuck them in throughout the day.  Or do them all at once.  It's up to you.


I always set aside 1 hour for my workout.  So, I create workouts around that time frame.  I like to just get in, get it done, take a shower, and be done for the day.  But you may divide them up throughout the day or make them shorter, depending upon how much time you have (and your ability level).


For today's workout, you'll do one complete Tabata (4-8 rounds of 20 seconds work, 10 sec rest), then an Ab Circuit and a 1-minute cardio interval.  Then you'll move on to the next Tabata, followed by the Ab Circuit and cardio interval.


You'll Need:

Low Step

Bench, Box, or Low Table


Interval Timer set for 4-8 rounds of 20 sec work/10 sec rest


Beginners: 4 rounds of each Tabata and 30 sec cardio intervals

Intermediate: 6 rounds of each Tabata and 60 sec cardio intervals

Advanced: 8 rounds of each Tabata and 60 sec cardio intervals


Ab Circuit: (done after each Tabata set)

10 Forward Bicycles

10 Backward Bicycles

10 Seated V-ins

10 Hi-Low V's

10 Russian Twists (weighted, opt)


The Workout:

Tabata 1: Cross Punches + Side Kick (switch legs after each round or at the halfway round)

Ab Circuit

1 Minute Bench Step-Ups or Box Jumps

Tabata 2: Offset Sumo Squat w/ Side Crunch

Ab Circuit

1 Minute Bench Step-Ups or Box Jumps

Tabata 3: Broad Jump + Fast Feet Back

Ab Circuit

1 Minute Bench Step-Ups or Box Jumps

Tabata 4: Scissors w/ Skull Crushers

Ab Circuit

1 Minute Bench Step-Ups or Box Jumps

Tabata 5: Hi-Low Squat Jumps ("Hot-Colds")

Ab Circuit

1 Minute Bench Step-Ups or Box Jumps

Tabata 6: Front Punches + Front Snap Kick

Ab Circuit

1 Minute Bench Step-Ups or Box Jumps

Tabata 7: 2 Diagonal Mountain Climbers + 2 Blast-Off Push-Ups

Ab Circuit

1 Minute Bench Step-Ups or Box Jumps








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