Workout Plan: Dec 10-16
It's the countdown to Christmas, and time is super valuable because there are Christmas parties and recitals and programs on an almost...

8 Tips to Beat Belly Bloat
This time of year is notorious for overeating and indulging in foods we don’t normally eat. It all adds up and we often end up feeling...

Workout Plan: Nov 19-25
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I often take time throughout the year to think about what I am grateful...

Grocery Shop Like a Boss!
Call me weird, but I LOVE grocery shopping! I love to look at all the fresh fruits and veggies in the produce aisle. It makes me smile! ...

Workout Plan: April 16-22
Summer bodies are made in the spring... And winter, and summer, and fall, hahaha! The best thing you can do for your health and fitness...

Workout Plan: December 4-10
This holiday season is kinda kicking my butt! How are you doing? I've gotten all my workouts in, but I haven't been very consistent with...

5 Tips to Survive Halloween
Dreading Halloween this week and the onslaught of candy and sugary treats everywhere? Honestly, me too! I hate all the temptation all...

Workout Plan: October 16-22
This fall weather is absolutely gorgeous!!! I hope you've been able to get outside and enjoy the fall colors (or the spring growth for...

Workout Plan: Sep 12-17
How are your habits going? I hope you are finding some success with your baby steps! Remember how I said that establishing strong,...

Creating Healthy Habits
Healthy habits are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. The more AUTOMATIC you can make something where you don't even think about...