Workout Plan: April 2-8

Spring is such a tease! First it's warm and then it snows. And then it gets warm and sunny. And then it gets cold and snows again.
It can be mentally demoralizing, but hang in there! Be sure to get some movement in every single day, outside if possible. The sunlight and fresh air can do wonders for your mental state and physical well-being.
I'm on Spring Break with my family this week, but I'll still hit the gym and get a run in every day. It's my "me time/sanity time." As long as I can get my exercise in, I'm a happy camper for the rest of the day. It's how I recharge my batteries, so working out while on vacation is an important habit that I maintain no matter where I am. It also helps me eat healthier while I'm on vacation!
You don't have to come back from Spring Break five pounds heavier. How would you feel if you came back from your vacation feeling lighter and more energized rather than feeling heavier and like you need a detox or a vacation from your vacation? You don't have to give up all your good habits just because you're traveling! Don't look at vacation as a free-for-all. Indulge yourself wisely, but don't throw all your good habits out the window for a week.
I challenge you to keep your exercise routine and healthy eating habits during your Spring Break/vacation and come back home feeling amazing!
Comment below with your results! Did you exercise while on vacation? Did you eat fruits and veggies at each meal? Did you keep your portions reasonable? How did you feel when you got back home? And how can you use what you experienced and learned to help you next time you travel?
Enjoy your Spring Break! I hope to hear from you!!
Monday: Lower Body Blast #2
Tuesday: Tabatas #3
Wednesday: Upper Body Sculpt #2
Thursday: Sevens #4
Friday: 1000 Rep Workout #1
Saturday: 100 Countdown OR at least 30 minutes activity of your choice, outside if possible