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Workout Plan: Aug 19-25

School is BACK in session!!!!

This time of year is a little bittersweet. I'm inwardly doing a happy dance so I can sleep a little more and have more time to run trails or ride my bike. (And do all the basic mom things like shower, fold laundry, iron, make dinner, clean the house, etc. But I'm also going to miss the laid back times with my kids and stretching while they go to swim team.

We just got back from our final summer vacation and I am READY to get back into the gym and work out hard again. As much as I would like to just jump back into training hard, I know it's not smart and that I need to ease back into training. So this week I'm going to start with 2-3 rounds of each exercise with higher reps and no-to-low weights and add in a 3-5-minute HIIT routine or hill run between circuits. It'll be a nice mix of weights and cardio to get our bodies used to working out again without hitting the weights really hard yet. Over the next few weeks and months we will increase our weights and decrease our reps to get us back to lifting a little heavier again.

I know I tend to repeat the same workouts throughout the year, but I'm constantly changing how many reps or how much weight or how many times we repeat each set. And sometimes I swap out exercises for something different. I use each workout I post as a starting point.

For instance, this week's Lower Body Blast #8 will start with a warm-up followed by 3 sets of 10 three-way squat jumps, 20 light-ish weight deadlifts and 20 Leg Extensions. Then we'll do 3 minutes of 10 Burpees, 10 Plank T-Thrusters, 10 Star Jumps, 10 Skaters, & 10 Soccer Kicks.

Set 2: 2-3 rounds of 20 Full Squats, 10 King Deadlifts (each leg) & 10 Three-Way Calf Raises; followed by the 3-minute HIIT routine above.

Set 3: 2-3 rounds of 20 Leg Press, 10 Sissy Squats, 5-10 Pistol Squats each leg; followed by the 3-minute HIIT routine above.

Abs: 1-3 rounds of 30-60 seconds per exercise, depending on how much time we have left. Then we'll stretch, chat, clean up the gym, and leave with smiles on our faces knowing that we worked hard, enjoyed some good social time and solved world peace (aka how to raise children without going crazy).

So don't feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the workouts I post. Use them as a starting point. Adapt them to your ability level and needs. We do it ALL THE TIME! I train women of all abilities in my classes and every single one of them, from beginner to advanced, can get a great workout from the same basic plan.

Ready to recommit to your workouts? Follow along with us each day! Make sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to see what we're up to in the gym and to get extra tips, variations, recipes, and bits of motivation! And if you love what I do, please share this blog with others who could benefit from it!

Here's to a great start to a new school year!



Tuesday: Torch-er #2


Thursday: Cardi Party #2


Friday: Full Body Burnout #6 + Yoga


Saturday: 30+ min Outdoor Activity


Sunday: REST & RECOVER! Walk, Yoga, Pilates, Stretch, Foam Roll, etc.


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