Workout Plan: Nov 23-29
It's Thanksgiving Week and things are starting to get super busy! Many people travel this time of year and may not have access to a gym...

Workout Plan: November 16-22
The days are getting shorter, colder, and busier as we gear up for the holiday season! This time of year is notorious for "making people...

Workout Plan: Dec 2-8
Welcome December!!! Twenty more days until the days start to get longer again!! YAY! This time of year can be such a whirlwind and can...

5 Halloween Candy Strategies
I am a sugar addict. Yup! I REALLY wish I did not like sugar and sweets, but that is my kryptonite. I've always had a sweet tooth, but I...

The Power of Muscle Adaptations
Oh Boy! We changed things up a bit last week, and I. Was. Sore!!! It's easy to get stuck in a workout rut, even if you don't think you're...

The Power of Friends + Workout Plan
It's marathon week!!! In March, I signed up to run the St. George Marathon, just as I was getting back into running after a 10-week...

Workout Plan: Sep 23-29
We are FEELING the burn! It's amazing what a difference 5 rounds of each set makes! Fortunately, they go by pretty quickly since we are...

Fitness Plateaus & Workout Plan: Sep 9-15
Have you ever felt like you've hit a plateau? Perhaps when you began exercising you saw large, quick improvements in your fitness,...

Workout Plan: Sep 2-8
Fall is one of my favorite times of year! I love the cooler temps in the mornings and the warmth during the daytime. I love to spend as...

Workout Plan: Aug 26-Sep 1
It SURE feels good to be back in a stable workout routine again! We are killing it in the gym and have the sore muscles to prove it! ...