Workout Plan: March 13-19
Spring is in the air here in the US! We've had a few days in the 50's and I think we are all ready to break out the shorts and T-shirts (and say, "Goodbye!" to the snow and cold)!

Summer will be here before you know it, so now is the perfect time to buckle down and get serious about working out if you've been less than diligent over the winter months. Summer bodies are made BEFORE summer, so let's get to work.
All of these workouts can be done in about 20-30 minutes a day, including the abs/core work. Just choose the beginner option. You can also reduce the ab workout to one or two rounds instead of three. Find ways to make the plan work for you! Don't say you don't have enough time. If you've got 10 minutes, do the abs! Or bust out 1 round of each set of exercises! You CAN do it, and you are worth it. Even short increments of time spent on fitness will produce results, especially when you eat a healthfully and mindfully with proper portions. (I will be sending out a separate email on nutrtition mid-week, so stay tuned!) Start now and by June, you will be much closer to your goal! Consistency is key! I cannot stress that enough! Be consistent in your eating and your workouts, and you WILL see results!
Here is the plan for this week. Again, if you are new to these workouts or are short on time, start with the Beginner option. You can always add on more if you're feeling good and have time.
Make sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter for more tips and tricks and to see how we do things in the Guinea Pig Gym. Comment on the posts, ask questions, and feel free to email me or message me any time. I am here to help YOU in any way I can!
Monday: Lower Body Blast #1
Tuesday: Tabata #6
Wednesday: Upper Body Sculpt #4
Thursday: Cardi Party #2
Friday: 10-Minute Booty Blaster
Saturday: Get outside and get active for 30-60 minutes! Enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine if you have it! If you need a gym workout, try out this 30/30 Workout. You can do the entire workout in about 25 minutes (or more if you repeat each set). Have fun no matter what you decide to do!
Sunday: ACTIVE REST DAY! Take a walk, do some Yoga or Pilates and give your body a much needed rest day, but take a little time to move!