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Workout Plan: Aug 6-12

Summer is winding down and school days are looming ahead.

That means soaking in the last few days/weeks of summer and enjoying the time with the kids and family. We've enjoyed plenty of days at the beach, pool, lake, biking and hiking. It has been fun to explore nature with my kids.

The downside is that I have been spending less time in the gym. But there is a season for all things, and right now I am choosing to spend more time in nature and in the sunshine. However, that also means I'm often sore after a gym workout because I have not been as consistent...

If only there was more time in the day.

But since we all have only 24 hours each day, let's make the most of what we've got!

Here's to a GREAT week of FUN and VITALITY!



Tuesday: 30+ min Outdoor Activity OR Tabata 8


Thursday: 30+ min Outdoor Activity OR Sevens #7


Saturday: 45+ min Outdoor Activity


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