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Towel Workout 2 (Arms)

Get out that kitchen towel, pull up a chair and you're ready for this workout!

Oh, and some paper plates too!​

You can create a workout utilizing pretty much anything around you, and it is amazing how effective a lowly towel, chair, and paper plate can be!!

You will perform each of the exercises in this workout for 30 seconds and then move on to the next one. 

So don't throw in the towel if you start to get tired!  

You can do ANYTHING for 30 seconds!

Printable PDF

You'll Need:

1 Mat (opt)

1 Kitchen Towel

1 Low Chair, Step or Bench

2 Paper Plates (or socks or furniture sliders)

1 Interval Timer set to repeating 30-second intervals

The Workout:

Warm-up: 30 sec each

Sliding Mountain Climbers

Right Plank Reach-Thru

Sliding Plank Jacks

Left Plank Reach-Thru

Sliding Knee-Ins

Alt T-Planks

Circuit 1: Perform 2 Times; 30 sec each

Supermans w/ Towel

Kneeling Side-to-Side Push-Ups

Towel Reverse Flys

Alt Single-Leg Hops

Incline Tricep Push-Ups

Towel Rows

Chair Leg-Overs

Circuit 2: Perform 2 Times; 30 sec each

Towel Front Raise w/ Alt Curtsy Squat

Shoulder Press w/ Alt Reverse Lunge

Right Single-Leg Runner Jumps

Towel Bicep Curls

Towel Arnold Curls

Towel Tricep Push-Downs

Chair Tricep Dips

Left Single-Leg Runner Jump

Cool Down: 20 seconds each

Arm Swings

Arm Circles Forward

Arm Circles Backward

Triceps Stretch Right

Triceps Stretch Left

Behind Back Arm Raise

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