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Lower Body Resistance Band Workout

This is a perfect workout to ease into lower body fitness.

It's not strenuous, but it is definitely effective!

It will strengthen and tone your legs, but it will also help strengthen weak, crucial areas (like ALL of the glute muscles).

I highly recommend using Resistance Bands on the squats and lunges.  Using them while performing squats helps you keep proper form while getting a full range of motion.  If you don't have a resistance band, hold onto a counter top or the back of a chair. Think like a ballerina.  

Use a bar, chair or band to help you maintain proper form because...

Practice does NOT make perfect.


Printable PDF

Beginners: 1-2 sets of 10 reps each exercise

Intermediate: 2-3 sets of 12 reps each exercise

Advanced: 4 sets of 15 reps each exercise

You'll Need:

Resistance Bands

Yoga Mat (opt)


5 minutes Walking, Jogging, Running, Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers, etc.


Basic Mat Pilates Routine

The Workout

Set 1: Perform 1-4 times, then do Cardio Interval

20 Alternating Reverse Lunges w/ Resistance Band (10-15 each leg)

10-15 Full Squats w/ Resistance Band

20-30 Alternating Forward Lunges w/ Resistance Band (10-15 each leg)

Cardio Interval: 30 sec Alternating Single Knee Hugs + 30 sec March/Run in place

Set 2: Perform 1-4 times, then do Cardio Interval

10-15 Right Leg Stationary Step-ups

10-15 Left Leg Stationary Step-ups

10-15 Right Leg Donkey Kicks (opt w/ resistance band)

​10-15 Left Leg Donkey Kicks (opt w/ resistance band)

10-15 Right leg Fire Hydrants (opt w/ resistance band)

10-15 Left Leg Fire Hydrants (opt w/ resistance band)

Cardio Interval: 30 sec Double Knee Hugs + 30 sec Right Leg Swings 

Set 3: Perform 1-4 times, then do Cardio Interval

10-15 Big L's & O's--Right Leg

10-15 Big L's & O's--Left Leg

10-15 Forward L's & O's--Right Leg

​10-15 Forward L's & O's--Left Leg

10-15 Clam Shells--Right Side (opt w/ resistance band)

10-15 Clam Shells--Left Side (opt w/ resistance band)

Cardio Interval: 30 sec Alternating Single Straight-Leg Hugs + 30 sec Leg Swings Left

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