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Lower Body Blast #5

I like to mix up what I'm doing as much as possible. It's fun to take a few basic exercises and change them up a bit by adding weights or different angle or a bit of balance and stabalization.  Continually changing things keeps your body guessing so you never get stuck in a workout rut. 



















Sure, I have my set types of workouts that I follow, but I try to switch up the order and the types of movement.  That is why sometimes I use dumbbells while other times I use resistance bands, a medicine ball, sliders, the Bosu or a balance disc, a step, or just my own body weight.  Each one works your body in a different way.  Some engage more muscles while others isolate specific groups. 


Constantly changing things up also helps my fitness ADD.  Plodding away on a treadmill for an hour sounds like TORTURE to me!  (Though I LOVE to run!)  I only use it if I absolutely have to and then I always do intervals.  I hate doing the same thing over and over and over and over.  Plus, your body is a highly adaptable machine, and you'll find that you'll plateau after a while.  But not if you are constantly challenging it in new and different ways! 


Ok, back to today's workout!


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You'll need:

Dumbbells or some type of weight (gallon jugs of water will work!)

Bosu or Balance Disc (opt)


Hamstring Curl Machine OR Stability Ball OR Towel

Jump Rope


Beginner: 1-2 rounds of 8-10 reps per exercise

Intermediate: 2-3 rounds of 10-12 reps per exercise

Advanced: 4 rounds of 15 reps per exercise


Warm-up: 10-Minute Abs Routine

50 sec Double Leg Lift & Lower; 10 sec rest

50 sec Right Side Plank w/ Reach-through; 10 sec rest

50 sec Left Side Plank w/ Reach-through; 10 sec rest

Repeat sequence 2 more times!!

1 min Plank Up-Downs


The Workout

Set 1: Perform 1-4 times with no breaks

8-15 Right Single Leg Lunge w/ weight (5+ lbs)

8-15 Left Single Leg Lunge w/ weight (5+ lbs)

8-15 Quick Squats w/ weight (5+ lbs)

1 Minute Cardio Interval: Jump Rope


Set 2: Perform 1-4 times with no breaks

5-12 Tri-Plane Lunges w/ weight (front, side, back; each leg)

8-15 Reverse Lunge w/ weight (5+ lbs)

8-15 Full Range Squat w/ Calf Raise w/ weight (5+ lbs)

1 Minute Cardio Interval: Jump Rope


Set 3: Perform 1-4 times with no breaks

10-20 Leg Crossovers on Bench (each leg)

8-15 Bench Step-ups (each leg)

1 min Wall Sit w/ Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press Combo

1 Minute Cardio Interval: Jump Rope


Set 4: Perform 1-4 times with no breaks

8-15 Single Leg Hamstring Curls (each leg)

8-15 Hamstring Curls

8-15 Hip Thrusts

1 Minute Cardio Interval: Jump Rope



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