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Towel Workout 1 Arms

Did you know you can tone your arms without weights?


Yes, you can!  It's all about simply creating resistance.


In this workout we are going to use nothing but your own bodyweight, a kitchen towel, and a chair!


You can do these same moves using water bottles or soup cans or light weights if you have them.


You will perform each of the exercises in this workout for 30 seconds and then move on to the next one. 


So don't throw in the towel if you start to get tired!  


You can do ANYTHING for 30 seconds!


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You'll Need:

1 Mat (opt)

1 Kitchen Towel

1 Low Chair, Bench or Step

1 Interval Timer set to 18 rounds of 30/30


The Workout:

Warm-up: 30 sec each

Slow Mountain Climbers

Right Plank Hold

Lateral Scissors


Butterfly Crunches


Circuit 1: Perform 2 Times; 30 sec each

3-Count Cobra Raises

Kneeling Push-ups

3-Count Towel Rows

High Knees

Incline Close-Hand Push-ups

3-Count Towel Reverse Fly



Circuit 2: Perform 2 Times; 30 sec each

Towel Front Raise

Towel Bicep Curls

Towel Tricep Kickbacks

Right Single Leg Runners

Towel Shoulder Press

Towel Arnold Curls

Chair Tricep Dips

Left Single Leg Runners


Cool Down: 20 seconds each

Arm Swings

Arm Circles Forward

Arm Circles Backward

Triceps Stretch Right

Triceps Stretch Left

Behind Back Arm Raise


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